Health and beauty

New Lessons in Skincare

Written by: Laura Schwieterman

Can we get real with skincare?  Can we get real with the beauty industry?  We have been led astray for far too long.

Brands today have convinced us the sole job of our skin is to look beautiful. Worse yet, the beauty industry has convinced us that we need to fight our own nature. No dark spots! No wrinkles! No large pores! No thinning hair! No pimples! In effect, it has convinced us that all nature is honorable and powerful, except our own.

You see, humans are nature. Therefore, our skin is nature. When is the last time the nature of our skin was discussed or celebrated? I know what you’re thinking. No! The beauty industry has gotten better, encouraging us to celebrate our skin, our inner beauty, our imperfections. Wrong again. Now promoting things like “power bald” or “acne proud” has only been an overcorrection into another harmful place.

No one feels powerful when their hair is thinning. Nor does anyone feel proud of their acne. Neither of those beliefs exist in human nature. The industry is manufacturing new beliefs that only further confuse us, make us feel tension. The result? Consumers feel bad and see nothing but hypocrisy everywhere.

So, what’s the way forward? Here’s the thing – it’s just skin. And it has a big job to do for us. It is the interface between our internal systems and the rest of the world. A world that is only getting more polluted by the day, making our skin work harder and harder.

Back to getting real… What skin really needs is some support to help it do its job. It needs an aid to its vast duties, support so it can serve as an armor to help our insides be protected from the polluted outside. Your skin is always talking to you, giving you signals, like thinning hair or blemishes, when it needs some help. Learn to read the signals of your skin, so you can give it the help it’s asking for.  When you do, your skin will thank you, and your healthy appearance will show it too.

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